Sunday, July 29, 2007


"So little to do, so much time. No. Stop. Strike that, reverse it...!"

As I mentioned the esteemed Lords of Time in a recent entry, I thought I'd post a piccy or two of the motley crew - there you go! Not all of us are represented, as we're rather a large collection of Bohemian Bods, spread across the four corners of Britain, and Canada! But it gives you an idea. I hasten to add that Sylvester McCoy is an honorary member only(and I don't think he knows it yet...) . Nicholas Courtney is a member, but I can't reveal in what capacity - hah!

Birmingham's Bad Wolf event was a successful weekend for my stall and an interesting one for everyone who had to travel to Birmingham from the south! I'm amazed so many people made it, many after nightmare journeys. Some didn't and that included a few guests, but everyone still had a good time. Eric Roberts was very popular indeed!

Hello to all the new people I met, and to the ones who came to say "Hi", who I've met at other events. It's always nice to see familiar, friendly faces!

It's all go to the next one now; Carnival of Monsters in Alfreton. I'm working on a portrait of Debbie Watling, one of Yoda, and a Stormtrooper picture, all to be finished before next weekend. Think I'll do it. No pressure!
Saw the latest Harry Potter movie yesterday - fab! Best so far, methinks...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Saturday, July 14, 2007


This is the artwork which will be unveiled at the Bad Wolf Convention in Birmingham next weekend. It celebrates the Master's triumphant return, and Eric Roberts' first UK guest appearance at the event.

On my way out to the shops this afternoon, I spotted a familiar figure out running. At first I thought it was someone I knew, then I realised it was Christopher Ecclestone! He's a regular figure round these parts, as he's a keen runner. He has grown his hair long since I last saw him. I think it suits him!

Belfast Con a success!

Just heard that the Belfast Doctor Who Con was a big success. And the original artwork I donated to the charity auction raised £250!! Probably very much due to Colin Baker's expert auctioning technique!! Yay! Well done Colin!