Wednesday, February 28, 2007

International travelling artist

Los Angeles was a blast! I met some great people("Hi" again!), including Eric Roberts! All compliments were gratefully received, hee hee! But seriously, thank you to all the people who came over and said they liked the artwork, and even better, bought prints, or original artwork, or commissioned me! I'm booked up now until July at least!
The lovely big surprise of the weekend, was winning 2nd prize in the Art Show. I've never won anything in an Art Show in my life - yay!
BIG thanks go to Shaun Lyon and his team, particularly Ken Barr and his lovely wife in the dealers' room, who made me so welcome. I hope to see you all again next year!
More big thanks go to Derek Hambly at the Tenth Planet shop for keeping an eye on me, and The Offstage Theatre Group who performed their little socks off on stage on Saturday evening, and welcomed me as part of 'The Gang'.
Finally, more big thanks to Bonnie and Kelvin for being the perfect hosts after the show and giving me an extensive tour of Los Angeles!
It was a big learning curve. I'll know what not to spend money on next year, like making international phone calls from my hotel bedroom - don't! It cost me £70 for two short, essential calls to let family know I'd landed safely.
Being a first-timer to the US, I was a typical wide-eyed tourist when I arrived. I got all excited over fire hydrants, yellow taxis, palm trees, the smell of gasoline on the freeway, bill boards and American food. It was all just as I imagined it and everything really is bigger than in the UK . It's great fun feeling like a child again, when you're an adult! I can recommend chasing waves into and out of the Pacific Ocean, late at night, by the light of the moon, with new friends!

I'm already looking forward to next year's trip!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Everything Changes

This is the painting I've selected to be in the Art Show at Gallifrey Con next week. I began it when Christopher Ecclestone was still fairly new to the role. By the time I'd nearly finished it, David Tennant had already been cast as the tenth Doctor. So I thought it appropriate to include him in the painting!
I had the sense with the new series and with Christopher's portrayal of the Doctor that the Doctor's life had been given a shake up. The image which came to mind was of the Doctor taking a handful of pictures of his past selves and literally throwing them in the air as if to say "This is me now. Everything Changes..." New actor, new Doctor, new show - hurrah!
Not forgetting the original classic series though!

Next stop for me - Los Angeles(in 4 days time). Wow!

Sarah Jane and the Monsters...

I really enjoyed the new Sarah Jane Adventures episode over Christmas and I can't wait for the new series. So nice to see Sarah back after all these years! This new piece of artwork was unveiled at The Carnival of Monsters event yesterday in Alfreton, Derbyshire. I was a little worried no one would turn up, as the weather was so wintry. Indeed my morning drive from Manchester over the peak district was a little hairy at times, when I was unsure how my little micra would handle all the snow on the road. However my car coped brilliantly and loads of people turned up for the event, determined not to be put off by the weather!

A good time was had by all, especially the children, who took part in the fancy dress competition, Junior Mastermind and monster design competition. Colin Baker, Nicholas Courtney and the two children from the upcoming 'The Shakespeare Code' episode of Doctor Who; Hope Yeomans and Thomas Benikas were kept busy with autographs and questions, while Yeti, Autons and other monsters roamed the crowds.

The dealers all had a busy day and Steve Caldwell and I were kept on our toes too, in our Artists' corner! It was nice to meet so many new fans of the show, old and young. I certainly enjoyed comparing sonic scewdrivers with some youngsters - wonder who was the biggest kid?!

My drive back home was no less hairy, as thick fog made it difficult to see the road in places! But at least the snow had gone. I celebrated a successful day by treating my hubby John to an early valentines meal out. Our first time ever using a baby sitter - the lovely Jain from next door. Thank you Jain!